Happy New Year!

The new episode of Mindset Tales is now out!

The holidays were less of a boon to my recording time as opposed to what I had anticipated, but rest assured that these will continue to be released on a ASAP basis (as much as outside factors allow.)

On the Mindset Sagas front, we have been trying to juggle the availability of guests and hope to have a panel episode if possible.


Will be away from my microphone for a few weeks

Hello folks,

I will be away for a few weeks in August, so the next shows will be somewhat delayed. Rest assured that upon my return I will jump back into my recording studio and get more out to you.

I made sure to upload the next episode of Mindset Tales (Treasure Island Ch. 9) out to you all before I left.

Please enjoy your summer.

Thanks for the patience.

It’s finally done. Mindset Sagas Episode 3 is ready for download.
The next priority is Mindset Tales Episode 8.  Long John Silver will be incoming.

Thank you all for being patient during what has been a busy stretch.



Progress Update

The next episodes of both Mindset Sagas and Mindset Tales are both being crafted at the moment. We will get these both done as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience.